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    Self Helpless (2010)

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    Self Helpless
    John Candy is convinced that he is the ultimate ladies man and the world's greatest DJ, despite the fact that he works at a gas station and lives with his father. The Drake is a disgruntled pothead landscaper who lives with his bitchy, overachieving girlfriend. Even regular trips to his weed dealer, The Dude, can't keep The Drake from getting frustrated by his situation. Felix is a budding entrepreneur who is sick and tired of his job in a law firm. His ultimate goal is to make it big with a porn site he is running. Simon is a failed birthday party magician with more than a few screws loose. Self Helpless is the story of these four friends and their hair-brained search for enlightenment. These easily misguided young men each pursue a different self-help trend, always ending in disaster. During a poorly timed acid trip, The Drake has a vision in which he realizes that the answers he and his friends have been looking for lie with the Don Rodrigo...

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    • Patrick Cassidy
    • USA
    • ~ 128 min.
    • Komödie
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    3 / 10 :: 26 Votes
    Genre: Komödie
    Executive Producer: Patrick Cassidy
    Produzent: Andrick Deppmeyer
    Schauspieler: Andrick Deppmeyer  Patrick Cassidy  Patrick Simone  Adam Jaroszewski  Jack Cassidy  Eduardo Castillo-Salgado  Kylie Clay  Jaime Del Aguila  6 weitere
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